If you experience any problems, this page should be your first port of call before you move on to request support from the al|together team.
KiriKiri games currently will not run in non-Japanese environments. If you have Windows 2000, XP, or Vista, you can easily configure your system to play KiriKiri games (see next), but if you have a non-Japanese version of Windows 9x/Me, you will probably not be able to play these games. Please accept our apologies, and enjoy the ONScripter titles instead.
If your system language is not set to Japanese, then running the game will open several little windows and display a blank error popup. Windows XP/Vista users may be able to use AppLocale to solve this problem, but if that fails, you will have to set your system language to Japanese.
Windows XP: Please follow these instructions, ensuring that you select ‘Japanese’ at each stage where it is an option.
Windows 2000: Open Control Panel and select Regional Options. Ensure that ‘Japanese’ is ticked in the list box at the bottom, then click on ‘Set default...’ and select ‘Japanese’ again.
All the games we are distributing have been tested and confirmed to be fully playable in Windows Vista, but since they do not contain specific Vista support, you may encounter certain issues if you install the game to the default location, or anywhere else in Program Files:
If these issues bother you, you can avoid them by installing the game in a folder outside Program Files; alternatively, you can remove saved games and settings manually when uninstalling the game.
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