Logo of altogether 2006

Shooting Star Hill



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About the game

Author: azuki
Translator: Kawatori Shinji
Genre: SF (?) romance
System: ONScripter (enhanced) (usage & troubleshooting)
ONScripter is licensed under the GNU GPL. Full source code for this enhanced version is here.

There’s one at every school – the quiet, aloof girl that nobody really wants to get to know. But this one catches Chihiro’s eye when he discovers she's a fan of the cult British science fiction films he loves... and that really leaves him with very few options.

Picture of Kawatori Shinji

Kawatori Shinji’s free talk

Ah, my first visual novel translation. It was quite fun, but also a challenge. I think I learned a lot of kanji while translating this, actually...and having the kanji in digital format makes them easier for digital lookup!

Anyways, I think I'll use the rest of this space to say thanks to a friend for catching most of my Engrish, and to Haeleth for his assistance in composing an email and for checking the translation in the last few days. Finally, and especially, a thank you to Azuki Taka, the author, for writing and allowing me to translate this story, and for his assistance and encouragement during the translation process.

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